This book is short for a reason: I didn't want to waste time writing it (which would be a pretty minor loss) and I didn't want to waste the time of millions of people reading it (that would be a pretty major loss... maybe). At this point in life, you need to decide if you want to be completely unaware of all the pitfalls of running a small business and make all the mistakes; or if you decide to be completely aware of all the pitfalls of running a small business, and still make all the mistakes. What's the point then? The point is that since you are going to make all the mistakes anyway, then you are better off reading a short book about them.
Successful business people will find this book as obvious as a pregnancy ad, and might still enjoy the funny side of it all -- especially when they discover that they don't actually follow all of what I say (and they will argue that that's why they are successful). People who are getting into business will have a better understanding of the mistakes they are about to make. People who are not interested in running a business will have a better understanding of why they should stick to their day job and never start a business.