Tag management in Apollo
One of the most requested features as far as Apollo's CRM was the possibility to manage contact tags within Apollo.
One typical scenario is having a contact with a mispelled tag: Apollo's auto-completion basically means that that spelling mistake was given as an option to the users every time.
Implementing tag management was trickier than one can imagine. One of the big issues is about visibility of contacts. For example, you might have Contact X with tags A, B, C and Contact Y with tags C, D and E. Assume you only have access to contact X. If you change tag A, it's all fine. However, if you change tag C, things get interesting: users who can access contact Y shouldn't suddenly see that tag change.
That's why we developed a pretty intelligent system, where if you change tag C, a copy of the tag is created, and only applied to the contacts you can access.
To manage tags, just go to Settings > Tag management:
As you can see, you easily filter tags. To modify one, just click on it:
That's it! The interface is very simple — the real beauty is what happens behind the scenes!
3 comments so far
Nick Daugherty
Thu, 01/26/2012 - 02:00
Very exciting, Merc! One step closer to making Apollo the best CRM out there.
Mon, 02/20/2012 - 14:59
That's where [COMPETITOR] comes in. [COMPETITOR] is an onilne time-tracking tool developed by super-duo XXX YYY (who I have an unhealthy affection for) and ZZZZZ WWWWW . My favorite feature is that we can allot a certain amount of time to a project, and [COMPETITOR] lets us know how much time is left as we're working on it. My favorite part: the interface is pretty and simple, si I actually use it. (Not so with the other tools I use that have time-tracking built in, a la Freshbooks and Basecamp).
Mon, 02/20/2012 - 16:42
Whenever we leave comments to blog, we never pretend to be users. Or to be anybody else. We leave comments on blogs in full disclosure of who we are. Whenever we contact people via Twitter (and we do, a _lot_), we do it from the @applicomhq account.
Although I have to admit sometimes our comments _are_ similar, they are always hand written and try to add to the specific discussion.
A few facts, without any commentary, on this comment:
* Originated from a person with a Russian site used as homepage
* The user pointed to a freshly created Facebook account "Berniece Burow"
* The comment is recycled