Applicom's Blog

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News from Apollo's development
Tony Mobily's picture
By Tony Mobily
Tuesday, November 6, 2012 - 13:06

Sort options in My Tasks, Gravatar in HTTPS, API now allows creating projects from templates

Three minor features landed on Apollo in the last few weeks: they are not game changers by any means, but they do improve our beloved program.

The first one, is the possibility to order your tasks by project + task name, and by project + task due date in the My Tasks section:

This kind of grouping is crucial for people who work on several projects and want to be able to divide (by project) and conquer their task list.

An unrelated improvement is that Gravatars (which can be as

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Tony Mobily's picture
By Tony Mobily
Monday, October 22, 2012 - 11:02

Personal settings: set default due time for tasks, default view of contact list

Our users often ask us to add possible settings so that Apollo fits their workflow.

On one hand, we don't want to add a million settings which, in the long run, become unmanageable (or even conflicting!). On the other hand, requests often do make sense.

We have recently added two personal settings:

Set default due time of tasks. When you create a task, you often don't bother setting the exact time you want your tasks to be done by. However, you might not like Apollo's default due time (9:00AM).

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Tony Mobily's picture
By Tony Mobily
Friday, September 14, 2012 - 18:34

Turn a company into a person and vice-versa

When you create a contact, you can decide if you are adding a "person" or a "company".

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Tony Mobily's picture
By Tony Mobily
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 - 09:14

Various improvements: writeboard notifications, API and search improvements

Apollo is becoming more and more mature; a program's maturity is measured by its stability and its features.

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Andrea Di Clemente's picture
By Andrea Di Clemente
Monday, September 10, 2012 - 16:09

You can now set a deadline for your whole project

For quite a while, we resisted the idea that a project should have a deadline in Apollo. The main argument was that "that's what milestones are for".

In the end, due to great demand, we thought we found the perfect compromise.

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Andrea Di Clemente's picture
By Andrea Di Clemente
Monday, August 27, 2012 - 16:09

Apollo gets better filtering options for contacts activity

We developed the "activity" under Contacts to keep an eye of everything that happened in the CRM side of the story in Apollo.

Users find this screen very important, as it allows them to follow what happens to their contacts.

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Tony Mobily's picture
By Tony Mobily
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 - 12:30

Archive project messages in Apollo

Apollo is all about communication. We have slowly improved project messages to the point that they became a forum-like system where the most recent discussion would bubble up to the top.

We have recently added yet a new feature to messages: the ability to archive them:

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Andrea Di Clemente's picture
By Andrea Di Clemente
Thursday, July 12, 2012 - 10:11

Drag and drop file upload in Apollo

When we released Apollo, we didn't really know how many files our users would upload (having a completely oversized hard drive ended up being a really good idea!).

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Andrea Di Clemente's picture
By Andrea Di Clemente
Friday, June 29, 2012 - 12:23

Apollo now has a powerful API!

When you write software, some features are very visible in terms of what your users see: we got a huge response when we added tags and tag management to our contacts sections, for example.

When we started to focus on our API, people wondered if Apollo's development had slowed down. The answer was obviously "no": we were simply focussing on something that users simply couldn't see.

We have now completed that work: I am happy to announce that Apollo's API is now available.

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Tony Mobily's picture
By Tony Mobily
Monday, May 21, 2012 - 16:56

Apollo mobile gets writeboards, contact name connected to project

If you are one of the many users who have access to Apollo Mobile Beta, you will be glad to know that there is some news you were probably looking forward to. (Speaking of Apollo's mobile site, if you are interested in gaining access drop us an email with your workspace name!)

The first improvement is writeboard access within the mobile site. We don't (yet) allow write access yet.

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